Makeover Monday: #RealWomen Mary Kay Makeover of Carrie Edwards by Kimberly Steward. Photo by TP Photography.

#RealWomen #MaryKayMakeOver of Carrie Edwards
#GetTheLook – EYES
Cream Eye Color (Beach Blonde – Shimmer)
Mineral Eye Color (Amber Blaze – Shimmer)
Apply Mineral Eye Color in the color Amber Blaze with Eye Crease Brush to the entire eyelid.
Mineral Eye Color (Chocolate Kiss – Shimmer)
Apply Mineral Eye Color in the color Chocolate Kiss with Eye Color Brush to the bottom of eye lid from crease to lash line..
Mineral Eye Color (Crystalline – Shimmer)
Apply Mineral Eye Color in the color Crystalline with a clean Eye Crease Brush under brow and above crease. Use brush to blend colors.
Eyeliner (Black)
Apply Black Eyeliner underneath the bottom lash line. Then swipe Eye Smudger Brush into the Coal Mineral Eye Color. Apply under bottom lash.
Apply a thin line of Gel Eyeliner top top lid with expandable brush applicator or with the angled end of Eyeliner/Eyebrow Brush.
Apply a thin line of Gel Eyeliner top top lid with expandable brush applicator or with the angled end of Eyeliner/Eyebrow Brush.
Brow Definer Pencil (Brunette)
Use the Eyeliner/Eyebrow Brush to brush brows into place. Apply Brow Definer Pencil to shape desired for the brow. Use the Eyeliner/Eyebrow Brush to blend and shape brow as needed. Last apply Brow Gel to set shape into place.
Apply a thin coat of Ultimate Mascara to eyelashes. Use the comb side of the Eyeliner/Eyebrow Brush to remove any clumps. Allow to dry. Repeat as many times as needed to build lashes to desired thickness.